This game is by no means where I want it to be, but it might be something you could vibe with in the background for a few minutes.

The basic controls are:

LMB (Select Units) w/ Shift Modifier to add to currently selected

RMB (Task Selected Units) you can send units to gather from Trees/Rocks or to load resources from the Stockpile to the ship

MMB (Buy units) you get more currency when the ship takes of and comes back with resources

Q/E - fly down / up


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I don't have a middle mouse button. This is literally unplayable.

Buy a mouse

(1 edit)

I already have a mouse. Not all mice come with a middle mouse button. Also, mice cost money. However, if you would like to give me the money to purchase a new mouse just for this one game I'd be happy to receive it. I doubt that is the case though. So, that still leaves this game in a state that is unplayable to people without a middle mouse button. You may want to consider such things going forward as a developer. Since the fewer people able to play the games you make means the slower your name/brand can grow.

My game requires a middle mouse. Enjoy the scenery but don't play it for the gameplay... if you can even call it that.

not a idle game


Good game, 10/10 would leave in background getting resources again.